World Knitting Day

June 14, Saturday

World Knitting Day
© ShutterStock
World Knitting Day is an annual event celebrated on June 14th that aims to popularize knitting and unite people who enjoy this hobby. This day is also known as Knit in Public Day, as one of the main goals of the event is to draw attention to knitting as a creative and social activity, to show its benefits and to unite knitters around the world.

History of the holiday
World Knitting Day was founded in 2005 by Daniela Landes, a passionate knitter from the USA. Initially, the event was conceived as a way to gather people who love to knit in public places and create the appearance of a community that exists not only at home. Over time, this day has become an international event, and every year people from different countries join it.

Main goals of World Knitting Day
Promotion of knitting. This day draws attention to knitting as a craft, a way of self-expression and a creative activity that can bring not only joy but also benefit.

Bringing people together. Knitting is not only a hobby, but also a social event. World Knitting Day helps knitters meet, share experiences, knowledge and ideas, and inspire each other to create new projects.

Creating communities. On this day, meetings and events are organized where people can knit together in public places - parks, cafes, libraries and other places, which helps to create and strengthen knitting communities.

Supporting charity. Many events dedicated to Knitting Day are aimed at creating knitted items for charity - hats, scarves, blankets and other items for those in need.

How is World Knitting Day celebrated
Knitting in public. The main aspect of the celebration is gatherings of people who come together to knit in public places. These can be parks, squares, cafes or any other open spaces where knitters demonstrate their craft.

Organizing master classes. During the celebration, knitting master classes for beginners and advanced knitters are also held. This is a great opportunity to learn something new or share your experience with others.

Exchange of projects and materials. Participants of the event often exchange yarn, knitting needles, knitting patterns and ideas for new projects. This helps to develop the community and inspires knitters to continue their work.

Charity initiatives. In some countries, Knitting Day is held to collect knitted items for orphanages, hospitals or the homeless. Participants can create items at charity meetings and give them to those in need.

Promotion on social networks. Knitters share their projects, photos and videos through social networks, using special hashtags to show their achievements and inspire others to join the celebration.

World Knitting Day

World Knitting Day – days left: 78. Create Countdown to Event

World Knitting Day in other years

World Knitting Day in other countries

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